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Duke Tenant Handbook for Liberty Center

Active Threat or Shooter


The protective actions that you should take differ depending on the hazard. Below are some key actions to take to protect yourself from specific hazards. 


• If you see something or someone who is acting suspicious, report it to local law enforcement. 

Call 1-855-MICH-TIP (855-642-4847)

• If you have information to pass on to local law enforcement, but cannot do so in person, please call:  Troy Police at (248) 524-3477

AVOID/DENY/DEFEND. You may need to use more than one option. 

Avoid the Assailant. 

  • Evacuate the building immediately if it can be done in a safe manner
  • DO NOT carry any personal belongings with you and avoid elevators, if possible
  • If you are in a high-rise building and the shooter is below, ascend as many floors as possible.  Once a safe area is reached, secure the location and move away from the entranceway to a more secure location.  If the shooter is above you, move down and out of the building
  • When evacuating in the stairwell, stay pressed to the wall to allow responding officers room to ascend quickly and safely.

Deny the Assailant Entry into your Space..

  • If it is possible to do safely, move to a central and secure area of the building
  • Locate an area with ballistic cover, not just visual concealment.  Cover stops/slows bullets, concealment does not.  Think big:  soda machines, copy machines, etc.
  • Block the door with large, heavy objects to make entry as difficult as possible (desks, tables, file cabinets, furniture, books, etc)
  • Remain quiet/silence your phone.

Defend Yourself.

  • Only engage an active attacker as a last resort
  • Attempt to quickly overpower the individual with force in the most violent manner possible.  If available, use improvised weapons (scissors, coat rack, leg of table or chair, etc)
  • If you are with other people, you should work as a collective group to overcome the shooter
  • Remember, the attacker will continue to shoot victims unless he/she is stopped


• Take a training course to learn first aid skills, including how to stop bleeding and perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Learn how to help others at

• Make an emergency plan for places you visit often and practice that plan. 

• Identify two nearby exits each time you visit a building. 

• Know that law enforcement’s first task is to end the incident. They may have to pass injured persons along the way. 

• Follow law enforcement’s instructions and evacuate in the direction they describe.