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Duke Tenant Handbook for Liberty Center

Maintenance Service Requests



We are here to serve you, please call if something is not just right.  You allow us to better serve your needs by calling us immediately, no matter how "seemingly small" the situation.

Service Guarantee

Management staff will respond as quickly as possible to any service call.  If an immediate resolution is not possible, we will provide a comprehensive response, in sufficient detail, of how and when we propose to satisfy the service call.

If you experience a problem within your suite that requires maintenance assistance and/or repair, please have your Tenant Representative:

  1. Place a maintenance request with our Tikkit (work order) System  (See Example on Maintenance Requests-Work Order System).  Work orders are broadcase to entire property management staff and will result in quickest resolution to your issue.

    2.  If you need immediate attention/emergency, please call the emergency phone number, 1-844-DUKE-FIX   [1-844-385-3349]


    3.  Provide his/her name, building address, company name and suite number.

    4.  Describe the problem as accurately as he/she can.

    5.  Provide a contact name if different from Tenant Representative placing the work order.

    6.  The Tenant is required to authorize any work requested

The management staff will address the problem as soon as possible, sending someone to assist you or making whatever other arrangements are necessary.  Pursuant to the Lease Agreement, if the repair or maintenance work is not the Landlord’s responsibility, then Tenant will be charged for such work at Landlord’s cost plus appropriate mark-up.  Maintenance personnel are required to receive instructions and assignments from the Management Office/work order only.  This procedure helps the management staff to track your requests and ensures that they are resolved in a timely fashion.


Tikkit allows you to enter routine maintenance service requests from any computer with internet access.  Designated individuals in your organization will have a user name and password to access this website,  This system will allow you and Thomas Duke Company to track maintenance requests, see when a Tikkit was opened, completed and closed.  Below are detailed instructions about this user friendly system.

1.  Logging into the System:

A.  Open your internet browser and type in

B.  The Log in screen displays. We recommend you add this to the “Favorites” section of your browser.


C.  Type in your Email and you will promptly be sent an email with directions on how to access the website. When you access the site for the first time it will look like this.


2.  Submitting a Work Order Request:

To submit a work order, click on the “File a new request” button as shown in the two locations above.

A. Once you begin filing a new request, the page will look like this:


B.  First, fill in the “Short description”, input Ste No - Brief summary of what needs to be completed

C.  Indicate the location at which the problem is occurring.

D. Indicate the location within the building that the problem is occurring.

E.  Fill in the type of problem that is occurring.

F. Type in the details of the problem, such as a more specific location or the duration for which the problem has occurred.

G. Include pictures to better document where the problem is and what is precisely happening.

H. Lastly, indicate the priority of the problem, based on how urgent it is and when it needs to be addressed. Please choose Low, Medium, High, ….if you feel this is Critical, please contact, 1-844-DUKE-FIX   [1-844-385-3349]

I. When you are finished, click “Submit” and the Tikkit will be addressed by our Management staff.

3. Monitoring a Work Order Request

    A. Once your work order has been submitted, you can navigate to view your work order progress by clicking on the “Open Requests” tab as show below. 


    B. From there you can check the status of your work order, and participate in any conversation regarding your work order, including inserting more pictures.


        C. Tikkit allows you to track your work order until it is complete and add input along the way.

        D. Further, if you are tagged in a Tikkit request made by a Property Manager or Maintenance, you will         
receive an email that will allow you to track the progress of the Tikkit.

        E. Once your Property Manager is notified that the work has been completed to your satisfaction, they will close the Tikkit, moving it to the “Closed” tab.

4. Submitting a Tikkit via Email

    A. Work orders can be submitted via email as well, to [email protected]. Emails must be sent from the email you use to login to Tikkit to ensure proper routing of your request

    B. The email subject will be used to fill in the short description field, and the email body will be turned into the request details. Pictures can be included in the email as well, as they will also be added to your request.

    C. Tikkit will then send you an email in return confirming your request, and detailing how it filled in all the extra fields. You can click the big green button in the confirmation email to comment on the request.

    D. All steps in sections 3 and 5 still apply.

5. Ensuring your use of Tikkit is effective

    A. Always be as precise and detailed as possible. For example, instead of saying, “Toilet not flushing properly”, say if is flushing too long or not flushing enough, so the correct problem can be addressed quickly.

    B. Always document issues with as many pictures as possible. This allows us to document how much progress is being made and determine what issues need to be addressed further.

    C. Ensure that your Tikkit is completed fully to your standards, by monitoring the progress of the Tikkit and providing input within the work order to whoever is completing the request.